Nano Technology Polymer Consultant
Ph.D. (Chem. Engg. : Studies on Structural Polyurethane Foam (IIT, Bombay), B. Chem. Engg. (Jadavpur University),
Contact Details
e-mail :
Mobile Phone : +91 7738381130
Preferred City : Navi Mumbai
Additional Cities : Mumbai, Pune, Nasik, Sholapur
Present Position
Retired from NMRL (DRDO) as Outstanding Scientist in 2016.
Previous Positions
2007-2012 Scientist ‘G’ NMRL (DRDO)
2012-2016 Scientist ‘H’/Outstanding Scientist NMRL (DRDO)
2017-2018 Director, Polymer Nanotechnology Centre
BSA Crescent Institute (A deemed University), Chennai.
Areas of Expertise
- Structural Polyurethane Foams
- Viscoelasticity
- Vibration damping and acoustic attenuation by polymers
- Interpenetrating Polymer Network
- Thermal characterization of Polymer: Curing and degradation kinetics
- Life estimation of polymers -Physical and Chemical ageing
- Polymer matrix composites and polymer nanocomposites
Teaching of Subjects
- Thermal analysis of Polymers : Isoconversion kinetics, life estimation.
- Rheology and viscoelasticity
- Polymeric composites and nanocomposites
- Polyurethanes – Processing technology
Method of Consulting and Teaching
Both Off-line and On-line (using Power Point, Excel, pdf etc.)
1) Book : 1
2) Book Chapters : 4
3) Papers in International Journals : 48
4) Conference/Seminar papers: 20
5) Patents : Indian : 9, International 1
Awards and Recognition
DRDO “Scientist of the Year” Award in 2010
DRDO “AGNI Award – 2004” for excellence in indigenous technology
Laboratory Technology Group Award (as Team Leader) -2003
Reviewer of scientific papers in International Journals.
Important Publications since 2016 (after superannuation from DRDO)
(a) Book
Polymers for Vibration Damping Applications,
- Bikash Chandra Chakraborty & Debdatta Ratna, , @ 2020Elsevier, Amsterdam, London, New York.

Papers in International Journals (2016 onwards)
- Microwave Absorption by Melamine/Carbon Nano Fiber Composite-11, Maheshwar Sharon, Ritesh Vishwakarma, Raju Gurung, Anubhav Gupta, B.C. Chakraborty and Madhuri Sharon. International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) , IV( Issue VS) May 2017 ISSN 2321–2705.
- Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-modified epoxy phase-change polymer with dual properties of thermal storage and vibration damping, Swati Sundararajan, Amit Kumar, Bikash C. Chakraborty, Asit B. Samui and Prashant S. Kulkarni.
- Vibration Analysis of Circular Cylindrical Shells – A Comparative study; Varun Mohan, Bikash C Chakraborty, Raghvendra Kumar Sharma – International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 11s, pp. 87-99 (2020).
- Study of the Effect of Graphite Filler on the Vulcanizing Behavior and Properties of Nitrile Rubber and NBR-PVC Blends, D. Murali Manohar, B.C. Chakraborty and S. Shamshath Begum, J. Polym. Mater. Vol. 37 (1-2) 91-107 (2020).
- Hardness – Elastic Modulus Relationship for Nitrile Rubber and Nitrile Rubber – Polyvinyl Chloride Blends. D. Murali Manohar, B.C. Chakraborty, S. Shamshath Begum, in Advances in Design and Thermal Systems (ETDMMT 2020), (Eds.) L. Ganippa, R. Karthikeyan and V. Muralidharan, (2020) 301-314.
- Study on the effect of graphene and nanoclay on the properties of nitrile elastomer – polyvinyl chloride blend with a potential approach for shock and vibration damping applications. D. Murali Manohar, B.C. Chakraborty, S. Shamshath Begum. Iran. Polym. J. (2022).
- Study on the effect of nanoclay as reinforcing filler for nitrile rubber – polyvinyl chloride blend: frequency response of dynamic viscoelasticity and vibration damping. D. Murali Manohar, B.C. Chakraborty, S. Shamshath Begum, Ravikumar N., Sivakumar C. Iran. Polym. J. (2022).