Month: November 2019

Digital Tips to Startups
0 540
Posted in Digital Tips to Startups General

Digital Tips to Startups

Now that I have covered TBI and Host Institutions in my previous blog posts, let us start looking at digital tips to Startups. What are digital tips? Digital tips are…

Engineering In India - KLE Tech
0 580
Posted in KLE Tech Hubli General

KLE Tech – Interesting Approach

Firstly, credit should go to Prof. Vinaya Hiremath and ASI for arranging this visit to Chandramouleswar temple. Great opportunity for students. KLE Tech has many credits to its long list…

how to get seed funds from dst
0 757
Posted in TBI General

How to get SEED FUND from DST for your TBI?

Getting seed fund for a TBI is important for its success. Is a TBI worthy of receiving SEED fund from DST? This is a question the Secretary and Board of…

0 368
Posted in TBI

Key step to Increase Student Interest in Startups

To me personally, startups are very dear. This is because, I have been an entrepreneur all my life and can relate to startup founders naturally. At the outset we have…