Now that I have covered TBI and Host Institutions in my previous blog posts, let us start looking at digital tips to Startups.
What are digital tips?
Digital tips are actionable points I suggest to startups. The actionable points are related to their digital presence, usability features, serps strength, and user friendliness.
Startups can work on these tips to possibly increase traffic, reduce bounce rates and increase time spent of page.

Please note that these tips are given in good faith and need to be taken in good spirit. They are in no way meant to discourage or criticise a startup.
Being a startup founder myself, I am the last person to criticise a startup.
If India has to cross $5 Trillion Economy, it is the startups who can do it and none else.
For a startup to succeed, digital strategy is a must. It is because, a successful digital strategy can bring international business. Every entity, educational institution, students, and companies, all need an digital strategy.
So, lets get started.
The three startups we study in this exercise are:
- udaan
- skincurate
- log9materials
The unique feature of these startups is 2 of of them are from small cities and one is from a bigger city.
Udaan (

The good thing is it is a secure website. A secure gives a higher security to visitors and it is recommended all websites owners host their web properties with a ssl certificate. Simply put, a ssl creates a secure link between the visitor’s browser and the website. Choose website host which makes the whole process easier. I for would recommend an European host. This website, is hosted on this host and I find it intuitive and also free of glitches.
Let us now look at the UI of udaan.
The UI of udaan is more towards simplicity which is a good thing. However, very simple can become very simple, and this has happened to udaan.
The good thing is you can see the prices without logging in.
A common feature of most websites in India is that they are not upfront about key things. This has to change and let us see how udaan has done.
What greets the visitor on this page are the plans to expand.
And subsequently, are the options to join the team at udaan and the career opportunities.
Instead, the page should be upfront and clear about inviting people with key skills and the rewards it offers for performers. Without an innovative and clear rewards policy, getting skilled performers is going to be difficult.
An area which has large scope for improvement is the page speed and insights. The home page takes a while to load, and is below average.
It takes almost 2 seconds to load, and for a commercial website this is pretty slow.
Text font and size is something needs look into. Grammar is another area to look into. On the about us page the layout of the text needs correction.
The next important point is consistency. The UI on the about us page and the career page and the home page differs vastly and needs urgent correction. The about us link on the home page and the join us page point to the same page. This is not a good thing for search engine traffic.
The link view all does not work and that is a big problem to look into. Broken links are a big no.
I will inform the founders and may be they are going in for a overhaul. Will revisit soon to have a look.
Skincurate (

The thing about this website is that this is more like a single page website and all sub pages are packed into the home page.
However, my suggestion would be to have separate pages and test it for time spent on page. I am certain it will increase.
The top banner is well made and the sliding images gives all the services of the startup.
The first thing the website owner has to do is to obtain a ssl for the website.
The speed of load is pretty decent (score : 64) and there is room for improvement.
There are a number of errors on the page and some of them are lack of heading tags and so on. Easy to rectify.
The mobile version is a bit problematic. The services offered are displayed in a standard smartphone in small fonts whereas the names of the founders and the profile links are displayed in large fonts.
The home page talks about an app based service of skincurate. Information about the mobile app can be placed on the webpage.
There is a log in link on the top right hand, what does one get if they log in has to be placed below the link.
Before, I end, moving text or objects is a negative on websites. It is better if they are avoided.
Looks like a company by backed well accomplished people, should be doing well.
Log9materials (Log9materials .com)

This website is smartly done, looks like a wordpress theme has been used, and looks appealing.
The research superiority and innovation is brought out in a good professional way and speaks well for the company.
Clear separation of products and expertise is a good thing for a visitor who quickly wants to get an overview. Graphene is the key word here and the website clearly tells what the company can do with Graphene.
This is an important point.
You may want to know, why?
Simple, the visitor has to anchor on a point and then the narrative has to extend from and drive the visitor to engage with the company.
The website can improve on this count.
The number of errors on the home page can be rectified. Grammar is adhered to and spacing is well done.
Led by a team of youngsters, all wearing dark shirts (a good way get the visitor remember), is destined to go places.