On this page, we have explained how a Defence Consultant can get his/her profile listed and what they can do to promote their listing for professional enquiries and teaching assignments.
Explanation of Consultant Listing
What is Consultant Listing?
Consultants who wish to offer professional consultancy services in the Defence Manufacturing Domain, can list their profile. Those who are presently working and who are searching for new opportunities, and those who can take additional assignments can also list their profile.
The main benefit for the consult will be a 24/7, 365 days exposure to various Defence Business related professionals from all over India. However, we promote the listings all over the world.
Apart from direct visitors to your profile, when visitors type in say “Jet Propulsion” in the search box, your profile is also listed. So, your profile is shown to those visitors who have interest in your area of expertise as of today.
The other benefit is, consultants can write their expertise specific articles in the blog section and promote the same for creating specific opportunities.
We connect “Consultant Listings” to different types of institutions such as Defence Engineering Companies, Engineering Colleges, Startups and other entities. We expose each profile to the entities mentioned and representatives of the entities will directly connect with the consultants, based on their preferences.
Please note that after listing, we do not participate in any discussions or negotiations between the two parties.
What is listing of Profile?
This is a screenshot of “Defence Consultants” section on the homepage.
The various parts of the navigation listing is shown.

Who can Get their Profile Listed?
Defence Consultants with an interest to work on a consulting or other basis.
Defence Consultants with proven expertise in a particular area of Defence Technology and Manufacturing Expertise can get listed. Retired officials of DRDO (all labs), DPSUs, OFBs and Engineering College Professors can get listed.
How to Get Listed?
This is a very simple process. Create a narration of your expertise, including education, and professional experience in a word profile.
Send your profile details to: dmIndia58@@gmail.com [please remove second @
Template Begins
Name –
Education – Highlighting your specialization.
BE (Mechanical) (Univ), PG (Tool Engineering) (Univ), Ph.D. (Mechanical – Rocket Motor Processing and Testing) (Institution)
Contact Details:
Email: (with double @ symbol)
Mobile: (optional)
LinkedIn Profile:
- Preferred City
- Additional Cities
Present Position
Previous Positions
List of the past three positions
Areas of Expertise
Teaching of Subjects
- 1.
- 2.
Method of Consulting and Teaching
- Physical (off line)
- Online
- Both
Awards & Recognition
Digital Passport Photograph
Template Ends
What can the consultant do to increase effectiveness of his/her profile?
- Write new, current original articles on his specialization subject – 1000-1200 words with pictures. Send the articles to us. We will publish the same and attach the same to the Consultant Profile.
- Send links of articles written by you earlier to us. We will link the same.
- Place the DefenceManufacturingIndia profile – link on your linkedin page.
- Send digital pics of awards and recognitions received by you.
- Get 10 people in the industry to ask you questions on your profile page. You can answer them.
- Share your profile
- Do you have any other innovative idea to promote your services? Do share with us. We will implement the same, if the ideas align with our business goals.
Contact us directly if you have any questions.