Where are Battles Won?
For the answer read this article. The below question is also answered.
How can Engineering Colleges get Admissions and Participate in this process?
As Technology and Business moves ahead and changes at breakneck speed, students and parents look for courses which are relevant today and will be in the near future. Engineering Colleges in their quest to be relevant, close non viable courses and start offering courses in demand.
One such course Colleges can offer is the MTech Defence Technology Course.
In fact, very few people in the Engineering Education Vertical know about this Course. However, 25 Engineering Colleges across the country, particularly in the southern states have already started offering the course and Engineers have successfully completed this course and are employed.
Given the rapid growth in Defence Manufacturing supported by Defence export data, govt. issuing purchase orders for the Defence forces, large MNC getting into the fray by starting independent units to cater to Defence Manufacturing, Engineering colleges will do well to start offering this course.
Along with this, I have listed below 21 Reasons Engineering Colleges should offer M Tech Defence Technology Course. I have briefly explained, how offering this course results in Increased Admissions and Job Potential, essentially benefit the college.
#1 – MTech DT is a Well Designed Course
Firstly, MTech Defence Technology is one of the better designed course when compared to most MTech courses in India. After all, what can one do with a ill designed course.
The course offers six streams.

Each one of the streams is very focused and is not a general course. Engineers from every stream are an attractive proposition to hire for companies. Within a short period of 24 months students are exposed to different aspects of the stream chosen. Students are expected to do projects in DRDO labs and DPSUs which makes it much more beneficial to them in their career.
In the picture given below, the six streams and a very brief detail of the course is given. Note that the first three cover Weapon System Manufacturing for three arms of Defence forces, the next three cover the latest technology application areas in Defence Weapon Systems.
In fact, one can say Six MTech Courses can be offered. As demand for the course increases, which is bound to happen with proper marketing and execution, nearly 120 students can be enrolled and awarded the Degree.

#2 – Students of All Branches of Bachelor Degree can take this Course (MTech DT)
This course can be used as a Game Changer by Engineering Colleges. How to do that? First, let me explain the beauty [if we can say so] of this MTech course.
Each of the Six Streams in this course have been designed so that every stream addresses a specific job market. So, a student increases his/her job potential whichever is the stream chosen.

So, how does this help Engineering Colleges?
Being a focused course, Placement executives in Engineering Colleges will find it easy to get interested companies to visit the College for recruitment.
It is a simple question of designing an effective placement marketing program!
#3 – Can be offered as an Integrated Course for all Branches
Colleges can offer BE (any branch) + MTech (DT) as an integrated course. The advantage of two certificates has to be marketed and depends on the individual college to do it effectively.
In my personal experience most students do not know the importance of having a Post Graduation to enhance career prospects. However, many students for economic reasons take up a job as soon as they finish their BE Degree. So, Colleges can meet this practical requirement and address reality in two ways. One, offer the basic subjects of MTech DT as electives in the 3rd or 4th year of Engineering. This will result in freeing up time for the student during MTech course. This can leveraged to promote to the course with the narrative the student can take up a job while still undergoing the course.
Also, present a narrative that with an MTech Degree Pay Package will increase.
Lastly, offer part time jobs in the College itself so that students of MTech Degree can start earning while doing their MTech course.

#4 – Efficient Conducting of the Course will receive appreciation from Defence Forces
Appreciation letters from Defence Forces is a great testimonial whose value cannot be measured. So, investing in conducting the course with a great lab, faculty and exposure to students, smart projects, is a good Return on Investment. Simply, involve ex servicemen in execution of this course!

#5 – Will be the Catalyst for High Tech Startups
Theoretical knowledge alone will never lead to great startups. However, MTech DT course emphasis on practical knowledge and application knowledge, is a great foundation for creating great startups. Students can create Startups from as diverse as rockets to tanks or drones.

#6 – Supports implementing of K3 Plan
K3 Plan is a simple plan which uses the most abundantly available but least used resource in a College – “Faculty” to create a foundation for colleges to become “Information Hubs” and graduate to become “Technology Influencers”. K3 Plan ensures students and faculty are in step with the latest happenings in the Industry.
As the Technology moves ahead at breakneck speed, Engineering Colleges have to tackle one basic challenge. How to keep pace with this Technology advancement?
K3 Plan specifically addresses this problem.
Efficient management of this program will ensure that the Institution will become a “Information Hub” and become a “Technology Influencer”. This will greatly aid colleges to thrive in the highly competitive world of Engineering Education.

#7 – Exposes students to latest Application Technologies
As mentioned earlier each stream addresses a specific Job Market.
Similarly, every subject of MTech DT lays emphasis on practical aspects of the subject. Below you will sample list of subjects of MTech DT (Defence Technology) of all streams and the practical aspects of the particular subject.

#8 – Exposes students to Leading Defence Institutions of India
India has done well to create a network of Defence Research and Manufacturing institutions and establishments, to meet the needs of its Defence Forces. Most students are not aware or never had an opportunity of knowing how these institutions can give them an opportunity to succeed in professional career. (Defence Industry in India)
MTech DT has been designed by DRDO and AICTE and students get exposed the network of Defence Research Institutions and Defence Manufacturers both in Private and Public Sector, which meets the need India’s Defence Armed Forces.

#9 – Maximum Return on Investment for Engineering Colleges
Let us face it. Colleges cannot run courses if there are no admissions.
Given the short span of the course, every student of MTech Defence Technology has a higher chance of finding a job with a higher salary as compared to a BE. As the student has a BE degree, he can start applying while studying this course.
As the job opportunities are high, placements will be higher, and this in turn will trigger higher enrolment. So, MTech DT is a high return on investment course for Engineering Colleges.

#10 – Defence Manufacturing will be a major Focus area in the coming decades in Many Countries
Just look at what is happening in the IT services with the “work from home” wave. The world has become a hiring market for the top companies across all sectors. These top companies (customers of service companies such as Infosys, Wipro, TechMahindra) have realized and started working out ways to directly recruit competent employees directly.
This is a major development happening and which is going stay and grow.
This in turn means, competent employees can be hired by companies across seas and who work from home. A great opportunity for students to earn well. All that they need to do plan well and execute the plan.
As Defence Manufacturing is a high security sector, many wonder how can employees be hired across seas. This is possible because, companies know how to segregate their work flows and business cycles into confidential and open.
Defence manufacturing is also a highly demanding and innovative sector. As a result only those countries which have focused on Engineering education can participate in the Defence Manufacturing industry. Further, those countries which have created a network of scientific and technological establishments related to Defence Industry can create world class (meaning compete in the world market) weapon systems.
Given India’s proven record in the above areas, there is a definite advantage for Engineering Colleges in India. Also, there are very few countries which have a leadership role in Defence Business and Defence Manufacturing.
These two major factors make Defence Business and Defence Manufacturing exciting industries to be in.

#11 – India’s Defence Innovation is on an Upswing
Just look at the number of startups India is creating. Though not at the level USA or China or Japan is creating, but we are in the race and showing a lot of promise. And, this innovation fever (can we use this word?) is spreading deep into smaller towns and villages.
As the wave of innovation and micro entrepreneurship takes over the world, Defence sector is a fertile sector for rapid innovation. Though not as many as in commercial sectors such as food and entertainment sectors, Defence sector has attracted several startups.
And, there is a wide scope for innovation. For a start, the 300 weapon systems barred from import, are a potential innovation area. And, innovation can be in metal cutting, metal forming, electronics or computer science, material science or work flow and many other subjects. Even a unattractive topic such as the Defence Procurement Procedure can be a target for innovation.

#12 – Every Student has an opportunity, in fact several opportunities in the Defence Sector
Given the range of jobs in large Defence Manufacturing Industry in India, every Engineer will find a job. So, this means colleges will be able to assist and place their students in an appropriate job. All that is needed is a skill evaluation of the student and counselling him on the jobs he/she can apply to.
Which means better placement record for Engineering Colleges.
#13 – International Admissions
Defence Technology MTech Courses is not offered in many countries including Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Egypt, Philippines, and Africa.
As mentioned in reason #1, MTech DT is a very well designed hands on course, and with proper focused marketing to Indian Communities in these countries, Engineering Colleges can get International Student admissions.
#14 – India’s Premier Service Providers need Engineers with Innovative Ideas
Firstly, who are the premier service providers in India? Infosys, TechMahindra, Wipro, Capgemini and a few more. As the “work from home” wave spreads across the world, these companies are hard pressed to compete on price arbitrage. They have no other option, except try and scale up the technology ladder. For this they need Engineers with innovative ideas in core Engineering. As Defence Manufacturing is a core sector and also covers wide range of subjects, Engineers who undergo the MTech DT course are well exposed to the wide range of opportunities.

#15 – Instills a sense of Nationalism and Patriotism in Students
Motivating students for higher cause is a difficult exercise in educational institutions, involving time and money. However, students react favorably to Nationalism as they know a strong Nation means a Secure future for them.
The MTech DT course has the unique quality to motivate students to achieve and reach higher levels of excellence, which in turn benefits the college.

#16 – Foreign Universities
As UGC unveils draft norms for foreign Universities to set up campuses in India Engineering Colleges which have a proven track record in conducting courses such as MTech DT which are highly Application focused, will attract the interest of foreign Universities.
So, Engineering Colleges will benefit by investing and running this course, efficiently. In fact, running MTech Courses is what foreign Universities will be looking for, as it will set the base to offer several of their advanced courses.
#17 – High Standards of Manufacturing
MTech DT course is designed so that students of all streams are exposed to higher Standards of Defence Manufacturing as they see that weapon systems (about which they learn in the first semester) have to be manufactured using sophisticated technology. They learn to appreciate the importance of precision manufacturing, temperature resistant materials, finishing processes, and this leads to creating great engineering products and opportunity to work in world class companies.
#18 – Software Driven Industry
Defence Manufacturing Industry is a highly software driven Industry. This is because of the precision, accuracy, and continuous innovation which the Industry demands. India’s strength in IT is well known and service providers have been serving this Industry since the last three decades. Companies such as Infosys, Wipro, CYIENT, TechMahindra have dedicated teams of Engineers with employee strength ranging in thousands. Students have ample opportunities provided they take the course.
Presently companies recruit freshers and train them. Students who undergo the MTech DT course can demand a higher starting salary, as they require lesser training which will help them in their career.
For gaining a competitive over other Engineering Colleges, managements will have to identify software used in each of the subject and offer training to students as an added certification.
#19 – High Scope for Innovative Projects
The field is wide open for Engineering Students to create projects as a part of their academic requirements. The Govt. of India Ministry of Defence has released a list of 300 Weapon Systems which it wants to be made indigenously. Mini Models of each of these Weapon Systems qualifies to be a student project.
#20 – Higher Grants from Govt.
A successfully run MTech DT course lays the ground to gain the attention of the Govt. and can be leveraged to request for higher funds and grants to upgrade the infrastructure. The value of this cannot be estimated.
#21 – Opportunity to Tie Up with Tier 1 and OEM Companies
Companies today are looking for Engineering colleges who can talk the same language as they do. Well trained freshers, colleges which can execute projects for the company, conduct events jointly and conduct training programs and workshops are sought after.
The MTech DT course by its nature, can evince keen attention from OEMs and Tier 1 companies and colleges can leverage this to further its interests.
So, as India’s moves ahead to achieve 5 Trillion GDP target, a strong Defence Manufacturing base is a twin edged weapon. It reduces the Import Bill. Next, it pushes back jealous countries such as Pakistan, and ruthless competitors such as China, and makes them think twice before starting a full scale war.
Remember, Wars are Won in Factories, while Battles are Fought in the Battlefield.
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