In this article, I propose to Engineering College Managements, including Principal, Department HODs and Faculty to start using ChatGPT and Bard AI Tools to your students.
There are several reasons for exposing students to these tools and also use in your classes on a regular basis.
I will list the reasons below and we will also discuss how to use these tools smartly.
Here are the links to the two tools:
ChatGPT – By Microsoft – You can use either Google credentials or Microsoft credentials to login.
Bard – Google – Same as above
So, what are these tools?

You may be surprised to know that the first answer is given by Bard and the second answer is given by ChatGPT!
So, in simple words, we ask these tools questions and the tools will give back the answer. The important point to note is these tools are constantly learning and the answers they give are always becoming better and smarter. Read this article from a reputed source to know more about Chatbots
The other point to note is that the tools remember your previous questions and will factor in those questions, when answering the most recent question.
With this brief introduction, let us look at Top 5 Reasons to use these tools in Engineering College Classrooms.
Reason #1
Makes the initial introduction of each chapter and topic easier. The initial introduction and basics of each chapter and topic are the relatively easier parts in most of the subjects in an Engineering Course.
Give students the initial set of questions and ask them to post the questions to these tools and read through the answers. This will enable the students to be familiar with chapter with minimum effort from the faculty.
This will also encourage students to explore the subjects on their own, which in turns makes learning a good experience.
Reason #2
Make every student aware, so that those students who do not know about these tools are not at a disadvantage.
Reason #3
Do not treat these tools as a threat – but embrace them and use them. If you do not do it, other colleges will do it!
Reason #4
Encourages and enhances self learning, which is the way the industry is moving.
Reason #5
Students who do not know how to use these tools when they go out for jobs will be at a disadvantage. So do not put them at a disadvantage.
In fact, it will be good idea to conduct contests which encourage students to use ChatGPT and Bard to complete tasks.
Because, in the future workplace, we will have to share space with AI tools!