M Tech (Defence Technology)
Conducted by:
Department of Aeronautical Engineering
MTech in Defence Technology program aims to foster and motivate learners to pursue their career in research and development for Defence services, Defence Public Sector Units (PSUs) and Private Defence Companies.
Launched by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) in collaboration with Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
This course will impart necessary theoretical & experimental knowledge, skill and aptitude in various areas of Defence technologies.
KCT offers this program in three specializations:
- Aerospace Technology
- Communication Systems
- Sensors and High Energy Materials Technology
MTech. Defence Technology is offered in regular mode (2-years/ 4 semesters) at KCT with the support of DRDO and IDST for conducting the program in blended-learning mode (both online and offline formats). The curriculum of the program has been designed by Directorate of Futuristic Technology Management
(DFTM), DRDO, Ministry of Defence, Government of India.
The program shall be taught by experts with industry knowledge and capability expertise, and the courses are designed to produce post graduates who will have the necessary theoretical & experimental knowledge, skills and aptitude in various Defence technologies and pursue them to carry out R&D in Defence.
Top 5 Reasons to join Defence Technology in KCT
- Course delivery by Working/Superannuated scientists from DRDO and Industry Experts.
- Interactions with experienced scientists and competent leaders who are engaged in Defence labs and Defence industries.
- Opportunity for real time knowledge / experience in Technology development, technology deployment and Defence systems.
- Capstone projects at selected DRDO Laboratories.
- Employment opportunities in various Defence laboratories, Defence manufacturing sectors and related industries.
Dr. Sundararaj K.
Professor and Head
Department of Aeronautical Engineering
Kumaraguru College of Technology , Coimbatore 641 049
Mobile : 9488925986