It is an immensely a proud moment, in fact a lifetime memorable event, if one can get a Dream Job while in college itself.
There is good sense behind this excitement and happiness.
Getting a decent Job while in College means someone found you worthy of offering you a Job. Which is a great feeling. It also means in all probability, the Company is an active organization and keen to succeed. Positives on both sides makes super positive. So, aim to get a job while in College.
Let us get straight to the point and ask “What is the single thing I need to do to get a Job?” while in college or right out of college.
The answer is simple. You need to get “Certifications!“. A certification will make it easier for you to get a job as compared to having no certifications.

The immediate questions you will ask are, “What is a Certification?” and “Which Certifications should I get?”.
What is a Certificate? OR What are Certifications?
A Certificate is a Proof of your capability in a particular Skill.
A Certificate is also a “Statement of Intent” that the Certificate Holder (You) is keen to be aligned to be productive right from Day 1 in the Company.
A Certificate assures the Company (recruiter) that with less Investment on You, you will be productive.
For you, acquiring a Certificate serves multiple objectives. It gives you an idea of the rigorous preparation you have to do to get a Certificate. And, how it is different from an Engineering Exam.

It also gives you an idea of the work you will do as soon as you join a company.
It is also an entry point to get into a company of your choice.
When put on your Resume, the Certification tells everyone concerned your area of interest and specialization. Your Certifications will prove and show evidence that you are committed to and passionate about your area of Interest. This quality in an individual is well appreciated in companies like Google, Microsoft, IFS, SAP, Amazon, and Educational Institutions such as MIT, Booth School of Business, Wharton, Harvard, and other reputed institutions.
Why have Certifications become important?
There are several things happening at the same time and because of these reasons Certifications have become important.
First and foremost is use of Software. Let me give you a simple example. To machine a metal component you need a combination of software!
To design a PCB you need software.
To process a PCB you need software.
You can now work in teams you using Teams software provided by several vendors.
Let me give a few Macro (larger) examples. To design a Fighter Aircraft, you use several software. To manage a large organization you need several software.
As a consequence of several technological advancements also happening at the same time, Companies use software extensively to accomplish several or better still all of their tasks.
Companies find it very convenient if you learn the software they use for a particular task or a set of tasks and start working for them. This ensures that you are productive from Day 1 in the company, maybe at a minute level at the beginning and gradually grow in the Organization.
Third Party Endorsement
Many (Most) Corporate Companies work in a bureaucratic manner.
In such corporates, qualitative assessments is very difficult at the entry (Fresher) level.
Third Party reputed Certifications enable HR Department executives to select you for a particular job, if you have the correct relevant certificate. In simple words, you will make it easy for the HR executives to approve your candidature, based on certifications.
In the interview stage, the questions will invariably be on the certifications and the subject matter of certifications giving you an opportunity to do well.
How to Select the Correct Certifications?
The foundation step in your Journey of becoming a Successful Professional is assessing your own Capabilities. Be honest to yourself and make a proper assessment of what you are good and where your interests lie.

When should you start planning for your Certifications?

At the end of Second or during Third year of your Engineering Degree.
After you have identified your area of interest and passion, List out the companies which are probable employers for you.
Next, identify the software which these companies use for their operations.
This is the most important step. Consult your Professor or an Industry expert to help you out. Remember to consider Domain + Software for listing the software.
Once you are done with listing the software, go ahead and identify who is the maker or manufacturer of the software.
Identify who is the Certificate issuing institution. Make it absolutely certain that the Certification institution is reputed and the Certification will be valued by any company.
Acquiring Certificates at NO Cost
Once you join a Company and become an employee of the Company, remember that you can acquire additional certificates at NO Cost. This is because, Companies will use your Certification when they pitch to their Clients!! So, you will have to pay for the first certification. Subsequent certifications can be completed while in the company.
Certificate and Salary
Most Companies value Certifications very highly. So, there is every possibility that Companies will pay a Certified Fresher more salary than those who do not have a relevant Certificate.
Break-in and Grow
The secret to Professional Success is Break-in to Company ASAP and grow. The younger you are the better. Let me give you an example. Javagal Srinath the fast bowler of India’s Cricket Team broke into the Indian Cricket with In Swingers as his main weapon. Later, he developed into a complete fast bowler with a variety of deliveries.
Similar is the case with successful professionals.
To break-in you need to get a good quality certificate. To grow in a company acquire certifications which complement the core skills. I will address this guideline in detail in subsequent articles.
In subsequent articles, I will also write about certifications explained for each branch:
- Certifications in Mechanical Engineering
- Certifications in Defence Engineering
- Certifications in Electronics Engineering
- Certifications in Software Engineering
- Certifications in Business Software For Companies
- Certifications in ERP Software
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