With the implementation of NEP 2020 new competition is emerging for Engineering Colleges.
The NEP 2020 policy has upgraded a BSc and BCA courses to 4 yr courses and graduates of these courses can take up MTech courses and travel to any country and continue their education and complete their Phds. Which was not possible earlier.
BSc and BCA Colleges offering Computer and Electronics degree will become on par with Engineering degrees.
As the fees are far lesser in BCA and BSc Colleges, when compared to Engineering Degree fees, middle income group students also will not hesitate to seriously consider the better BSc and BCA options.
Students of low income group students will prefer these colleges, from the financial perspective alone.
Given the reality that most of the computer subjects can be learnt online, students will have more choices and flexibility to plan their pursuit of education qualification in computer science and electronics.
If you keep aside the IITs and NITs, other Engineering colleges will have to work doubly hard to compete for CS and Electronics student admissions.
While everyone knows that infrastructure, branding, syllabus and faculty will be important, few colleges acknowledge that the real differentiators are thrust areas and subject specialisation of faculty.

I have explained how to implement and take forward the real differentiators in my previous articles in this website. You can read them there and use the info for your benefit.
So, what are the benefits of Thrust Areas and Subject Specialisation?
- High value to students
- Closer student faculty interaction
- High quality Industry connect
- Peer reviews contributing to NIRF rank
- Wide participation events as the industry is able to connect to faculty at professional level
- High value Engineering startups, Multi discipline startups
- Reduced advertisement costs, More appealing advertisements
- Better job opportunities for students as the industry connect is deeper
- Become an attractive target for leading foreign University collaboration and investment.
Computer Science and Electronics HODs – take note, there is new competition from not Engineering Colleges only, but from other smaller but well focussed colleges!
Mechanical Engineering is also facing new threat. With Electric vehicles taking off in a big way, Mechanical engineering students have to be skilled differently. More about this in my next article.
Once NEP starts, students can choose any subject of their choice even while pursuing engg course. For example a BSc graduate with one or two years after studying engineering can compete with IIT/NIT students in any entrance exam of PSU companies. Competion will hot up, how many private engg colleges will survive the decade is a thing to watch.