The course is intended to provide understanding on the high power laser beam interaction with metals and composite materials, physics based models for the lethality modeling, damage mechanism & damage threshold measurement techniques and performance evaluation of high power laser systems
- Understand of the laser matter interaction
- Develop physics-based model for evaluation of effect of laser on metals and composites.
- Understand the laser parameter measurement techniques
- Analyze the performance of high-power laser systems
- Laser beam characteristics, Laser lethality modeling & simulation with metal targets & composite materials
- Physics based models for vulnerability assessment, Effect of laser on metals & composite materials
- Measurement and Characterization of Damage Thresholds, Mechanisms of Damage, Exposure Limits and their Interpretation
- Analysis Tools for the Estimation of Hazards, Laser parameters measurement techniques.
- Tools to analyze and predict Laser System performance under different conditions like land, sea air, etc.
- Introduction of full scale end to end modeling of laser system performance