The course is intended to provide the understanding of the initial designing and sizing process for rapidly growing fixed – wing UAV technology, integrated with its performance and stability analysis, air safety issues, airworthiness and prototype testing.
- Understand the design requirements, design parameters of UAV
- Perform the aerodynamic analysis, performance and stability analysis
- Understand the performance testing of the UAVs
- Understand the airworthiness and safety requirements of UAV
- UAV design Requirements, design parameters, design algorithms, Certification approaches: aircrafts and UAVs.
- Airworthiness of aircrafts and UAVs
- Air safety issues. Handling qualities. Maneuverability requirements. Aircraft design; UAV system design
- UAV aerodynamics, structures and propulsion, performance and stability analysis
- UAV system identification
- UAV project life cycles.
- Stages of Aircraft design
- Initial sizing: aircrafts and of UAVs
- Ground control systems. Ground and flight testing of UAVs. UAV guidance and Navigation. Design for reliability
- Wind Tunnel Testing, Aerodynamic Characterization through Wind Tunnel Testing