- Knowledge about the military systems engineering
- System requirements
- Basics of system design
- Architecture
- Operational requirements
- System reliability and management
- Weapon System design requirements
- Architecture
- Functional requirements
- Generate the system requirements documents as per the requirement analysis
- Understand the system reliability, maintainability, usability issues
- Carry out the system reliability analysis
- Fundamentals of systems engineering and system architecting of weapon system
- System engg. standards 15288
- Requirements analysis
- Functional analysis and allocation, preliminary system architecture
- Systems analysis, system design, and the basics of test and evaluation, Introduction to combat systems
- System development phases (Conceiving, Designing, Implementing, and Operating),
- Techniques of system design and assessment for operational feasibility
- Including Reliability
- Maintainability
- Usability (including human factors and human performance)
- Supportability, and producibility
- System cost assessment and effectiveness estimation
- Reliability analysis and management (basic tools and methods of reliability for developing complex systems including electronic components
- Mechanical components, and software, redundancy, graceful degradation, fault tolerance, MTBF [Mean Time Between Failures]