The course is intended to provide learning on the basic concepts of robotics by exposing students to a broad range of topics with emphasis on basics of manipulators, coordinate transformation and kinematics, trajectory planning, control tech-Techniques, sensors and devices, robot applications and economics analysis.
- Use matrix algebra and Lie algebra for computing the kinematics of robots.
- Calculate the forward kinematics and inverse kinematics of serial and paral-lel robots.
- Calculate the Jacobian for serial and parallel robot.
- To do the path planning for a robotic system.
- To use software tools for analysis and design of robotic systems.
- Fundamentals of land-based robotic systems covering the areas of locomotion, manipulation, grasping, sensory perception, and teleoperation.
- Kinematics, dynamics, manipulability, motion/force control, real-time programming, controller architecture, motion planning, navigation, and sensor integration, Control system design.
- Transformation of coordinates, Kinematics and inverse kinematics, Jacobians
- Modelling Control, Proportional (P), Proportional-Integral (PI), Proportional-IntegralDerivative (PID) and Model Based Predictive Controller (MPC)
- Feedback Control System, Motion and path planning, Collision avoidance and navigation
- Fundamental of AI, Programming methods for robotics, Human-Robot interaction