Knowledge of the analogue and digital communication systems, optical communication, satellite communications systems, modulations techniques, signal propagation effects, navigation techniques.
- Understand the communication techniques
- Evaluate the performance of communication systems
- Design the analogue and digital communication systems
- Understand and analyze the signal transmission effects
- Understand the different types of navigation techniques
- Elements of a communications system and their relationship to system performance
- Free space optical communication, Fiber optics communication, Wireless/cellular communications.
- Fundamental concepts such as current/voltage relationships, time and frequency omains, power spectral density, random signals, Communications system components and functions, analog and digital communications systems,
- Modulation transmission and reception; baseband and passband digital modulation; system, noise, transmission lines, waveguides and antennas, FEC techniques for mitigating channel errors.
- Propagation effects on signal transmission; end-to-end path calculations for wire/coax,and RF systems including terrestrial ground links and satellite communications, Spread spectrum, concept of frequency hoping.
- Navigation techniques from space regarding functioning of GPS, GLONASS, IRNSS & Galile