This article is for Managements of Engineering Colleges who desire to get Jobs and Internships for their students of M Tech (Defence Technology).

Every College Management wants their students to get good jobs.
But, are the students prepared for working in Jobs which are exacting and target oriented?
Not many, though all students are highly motivated to succeed and lead a quality life.
This is where College Managements, particularly Engineering College Managements will have to think out of the box and come out with a solution which is a win win situation for students and companies.
Is it possible?
For any solution to work, Colleges will have to decide on one fundamental question. Students also will have to answer one fundamental question. I will answer these two questions briefly and then discuss the solution in depth.
College Managements will have to decide whether they want to be a “Research College” or a “Industry College”.
Non Govt. medium sized colleges which depend on students fees for funds will have to decide clearly the path they have to take.
If the Colleges decide to be an “Industry College” then its success depends on the Jobs, Internships and Projects Students get.

The students will also have to take a clear path. Decide on which line to pursue. By the second or third year they have to decide or narrow down their options.
These two questions are independent of the solution which I will propose, and are valid by themselves. Colleges will have to focus and align themselves to their College Vision and students will have to work on options which suits them individually and gives them a fair opportunity to succeed.
Given this, let us now discuss how colleges can ensure a continuous stream of internships, jobs and projects for their students.
Implementing this solution will ensure several startups sprout in the college campus and there is a vibrant startup culture in the college ensuring that the future of the college is secure.
The Solution Outline
Here, I am laying out the outline of the solution. Colleges can customize this broad plan to suit their needs.
If clarifications are desired I will be more than willing to offer free of cost!!
Step: 1
Assess the physical resources the college can muster. This is very important as it will be needed after the later steps.
Step: 2
Select 10-15 best faculty for this initiative after conducting orientation for all faculty in the college. Orientation topics will include benefits or participation for career growth, recognition from institute, responsibilities, and support which will be provided by the institution, entry and exit criteria.
It will be very important to convey to the Faculty of what is expected of them and how time will be allotted to them.
Step: 3
This is the key step. Assign a Subject to each of the selected faculty.
Selection of the Subject:
Selection of the subject is critical. It has to be futuristic, aligned with college vision, and industry oriented. And, importantly, aligned to the interests of faculty. Subject has to be narrow in scope and not very general.
Step: 4
In this step, Faculty create an online presence which is a combination of knowledge, technology, science, college infrastructure related to the subject, projects going on related to the subject, student write ups which are done in collaboration with the faculty, govt. involvement, software tools related to the subject, online resources, videos, models, and events if any. This will make the faculty and college department an information hub for the subject.
Step: 5
Very important. The online presence will be owned by the college but will be managed by the faculty. In case, the faculty leaves the college he/she will have to hand over the digital property security details to the college. Note: This online presence is preferably set up on a server different from the college property. This will be useful for digital marketing and promotion.
Step: 6
Involvement of students in the Property. Involving students in this project will give them hands on practical experience and also give them an opportunity to be creative. All creative work of students related to a subject can be suitably rewarded.
Step: 7
This is the key step which the senior team of the college should support the faculty. Direct linking of students who are assisting the faculty to the companies which are related to subject can be established and initiatives such as interviews of various executives can be posted on the digital property and higher level activities such as mini projects, write ups, events can be done in collaboration with company teams. This is where colleges have to allocate resources and support to get companies offer internships and subsequently jobs.
The practical implementation of this initiative requires focus, no lofty ambitions but practical goals of Internships, Jobs and Projects.
Given the enthusiasm of the colleges, faculty and students it is easily achievable.
And, College managements have to reorient themselves in this changing world.