Author: Krishna_Karedla

Aero Defence Manufacturing Consultant
0 814
Posted in Trends General

Uncommon Commoner – A True Leader

There has been a lot of talk about the state of economy, nowadays. Many eminent people, Ms. Kiran Mazumdar, Dr. Swamy, Dr. Manmohan singh and all of the media have…

Innovation and Addiction
0 532
Posted in General Aerospace

Innovation and Addiction

Looking ahead it is very obvious that innovation (I call innovation as continuous improvement) is progressing rapidly the world over. The reasons are many but two stand out. One, the…

profits in aero component
0 694
Posted in General Aerospace

Profits in Aerospace Component Manufacturing

The Aerospace component manufacturing Industry is booming in India. The Aerospace giants have started outsourcing to Indian machine shops and Boeing claims it has multiplied its outsourcing to nearly 1…

Modi and startups
0 712
Posted in Uncategorized General

Modi and Startups

Things a startup entrepreneur can learn from Modi. A simple overview.