Month: January 2023

member chairman's club
0 680
Posted in General

Born to Network, Born to Achieve- Shri. Chiranjeevi Reddy

You may wonder why I am writing this article here, in this website, which is about Defence Business. You should find the answer as you complete reading the article. As…

Department of Aeronautical Engineering - Kumarguru Engineering College
6 3547
Posted in Verified M Tech Defence Technology

Department of Aeronautical Engineering – Kumaraguru College of Technology (KCT)

M Tech (Defence Technology) Conducted by:Department of Aeronautical Engineering MTech in Defence Technology program aims to foster and motivate learners to pursue their career in research and development for Defence…

Akash Defence Feature
0 925
Posted in Weapon Systems Indian Air Force Indian Army

AKASH Defence System

The Akash air Defence missile system is a medium range, surface to-air missile system created to fire and launch AKASH missiles. Designed to provide air Defence against air threats, semi…

AKASH Missile
0 533
Posted in Weapon Systems Indian Army

AKASH Missile

AKASH is a short-range missile deployed to protect vulnerable and strategic areas from AIR attacks. A unique feature of this class of missiles is that they can engage multiple targets…