Category: General

energizing engineering education
0 622
Posted in Uncategorized General

Energizing Engineering Education

Engineering education is at cross roads. AICTE & NIRF have recognised this and come out with a slew of measures, to revamp engineering education. Some of the measures are improved…

why thrust areas a must
0 777
Posted in Host Institution General

Why Thrust Areas are a must in Medical and Engineering Institutions in Today’s world?

In recent times, educational institutions are under pressure from multiple sides. The first and foremost pressure point is the rapid technological changes which is happening across all fields thereby creating…

startup vs rental
1 755
Posted in Uncategorized General

Startup Model or Rental Model

Host Institutions intending to start a Incubator are faced with a question how to model their startup incubator, a TBI or STEP or a BioNest. The question is “Which Model…

Startup India Standup India
0 941
Posted in Startups and GOI General

Startup India

Startup India is one of the boldest initiatives of our country and its people. The question arises, why is it the boldest? To understand this, we should briefly look at…