Category: Defence Technology Education

structural dynamics and aero elasticity
0 469
Posted in Defence Technology Education Subjects

Structural Dynamics and Aero-elasticity

The course is intended to provide learning on the mathematics behind the computational analysis, Different methods of analysis, Mathematical modeling of the various phenomena related to vibration analysis, various failure…

1 479
Posted in Defence Technology Education Subjects

EMI/EMC in Military Systems

The course is intended to provide learning on the basic concepts of EMI/EMC design, techniques for prevention of electronic equipment through good EMI/EMC design techniques – grounding, shielding, cable management,…

Opto Imaging Systems
0 900
Posted in Defence Technology Education Subjects

Defence Electro-Optics and Imaging Systems

The aim of the course is to provide an introduction to the principles of wide range of current and future electro-optic and imaging devices. Course will also to enable students…

high energy material
0 544
Posted in Defence Technology Education Subjects

High Energy Materials Modeling & Simulation

The main objective of the course is to provide knowledge to the students about high-energy materials from theoretical and practical standpoints. This course also includes detailed formulations and reactions presented…