Author: Krishna_Karedla

Aero Defence Manufacturing Consultant
Electro Optics Engineer
0 319
Posted in Defence Jobs

Electro-Optics Engineer

Electro-Optics (EO) engineers design and develop optical and photonic systems for a wide range of applications, such as navigation, guidance, targeting, communication, and sensing in aircraft, spacecraft, and Defence systems….

Composites Engineer
0 321
Posted in Defence Jobs

Composites Engineer

A Composite Engineer has expertise in composite materials, including their properties, fabrication techniques, and testing procedures. Composites are used in an Aerospace and Defence Manufacturing Company to develop and manufacture…

project engineer
0 700
Posted in Defence Jobs

Methods / Project Engineer

Role Is one who is proficient in designing, implementing and improving processes involved in the manufacture of aerospace and Defence weapon systems, including the assemblies and sub assemblies and components….

1 823
Posted in Engineering Education

Introduce ChatGPT and Bard to Engineering Students, Get Best Results

In this article, I propose to Engineering College Managements, including Principal, Department HODs and Faculty to start using ChatGPT and Bard AI Tools to your students. There are several reasons…