Month: March 2023

Bharat ULH
0 500
Posted in Weapon Systems Indian Army

Bharat ULH

Bharat Ultra-Light Howitzer is a 155 mm / 39 caliber, long-range field artillery weapon system in towed version. It weighs about 6.8 ton, achieved through innovative design and use of…

Konkurs M
1 674
Posted in Weapon Systems Indian Army

Konkurs – M

KONKURS-M is a Second Generation, mechanized infantry ATGM, to destroy Armoured vehicle equipped with Explosive Reactive Armour, moving and stationary targets. Can defeat Armoured targets fitted with ERA.

Milan 2T
1 529
Posted in Weapon Systems Indian Army

Milan – 2T

MILAN – 2T is a man portable (Infantry) second generation ATGM, to destroy Tanks fitted with Explosive Reactive Armour, moving and stationary targets, highly reliable.

akash army launcher
1 597
Posted in Weapon Systems Indian Army

Akash Army Launcher

Akash Army Launcher (AAL) is a multi-technology, mobile Weapon Platform for Akash Missiles. AAL is capable of transporting and launching up to three Akash Surface to Air Missiles which can…